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Zohar Miracle Stories

Discover the power of the Zohar through real live testimonies

Dedicated to Shimon Sarfati


The full Zohar is available online with english translation if you do not have or cannot get a physical copy. But we do recommend getting a physical copy which you can obtain from this website.


Zohar Project

The Zohar Project sends Zohars all over the world to wherever the light is needed.  Since it has started, so many miracles have been revealed. This page documents just a tiny fraction of them.


Report Your Miracle

Please reach out to us if you have experienced a Zohar miracle. We will interview you and share your miracle with the world. This work is so important because creating a desire for the Zohar will change the world. Email:


Kabbalah - Wisdom of the Zohar

The wisdom of the Zohar connects us to the best versions of ourselves. In doing this work, we shift our reality and the reality of the world. You can begin to study this wisdom with a Kabbalah1 course which you can find at 

Contact us if you have a Miracle Stories

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